Tooth Extractions
and Surgeries

Pulling out a bad tooth

There are several reasons why an individual may need a tooth pulled, a procedure also known as a tooth extraction. The most common cause is severe tooth decay that has damaged a tooth beyond repair, making it impossible to save through fillings or crowns. Other reasons include advanced periodontal disease (gum disease) that has loosened the tooth, making it unstable, or a tooth being so crowded that it impacts other teeth and requires removal to prepare for orthodontic treatment. Additionally, teeth that are severely damaged by trauma or are impacted, such as wisdom teeth that do not have enough room to emerge or develop normally, may need to be extracted. Tooth extractions are considered a last resort and are performed to protect or improve the oral health of the patient.

Should I get an implant in the missing tooth area?

After getting a tooth pulled, the next question many patients face is whether to get an implant in the missing space. This option not only enhances the aesthetic appearance of one's smile but also restores full functionality, allowing for normal eating and speaking without the discomfort or inconvenience associated with other dental prosthetics.

5 Main reasons why a tooth needs to be pulled

Severe Tooth Decay: When a tooth suffers extensive decay, and the damage penetrates deep within, rendering it beyond the scope of repair via fillings or crowns.
Advanced Periodontal Disease: Gum disease can severely weaken the support around a tooth, causing it to become unstable and necessitating its removal.
Orthodontic Preparation: In cases where teeth are too crowded, a tooth may need to be extracted to make space for the remaining teeth to be properly aligned through orthodontics.
Trauma or Injury: Accidents can cause significant damage to a tooth, making it impossible to repair, thus leading to extraction.
Impacted Teeth: Some teeth, like wisdom teeth, may not have enough room to emerge or develop normally and can become impacted, causing pain, infection, or other dental issues, which then require their removal.

3 Types of Tooth Extractions


Will it hurt?

Modern dentistry has evolved, making the process of pulling a tooth almost a painless event. Advances in dental technology and anesthesia now allow for extractions to be carried out with minimal discomfort. Before the extraction, the dentist or oral surgeon will use a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth, ensuring the patient feels no pain during the procedure. While there may be a sensation of pressure as the tooth is being removed, the anesthetic effectively prevents any pain. After the extraction, patients are given clear instructions and sometimes medication to manage any post-procedure discomfort, ensuring a smooth and largely pain-free recovery period.

If I'm super nervous, can I bring a love one?

If the prospect of undergoing a dental extraction fills you with anxiety or nervousness, it's important to know that you're not alone in feeling this way. Many people experience dental anxiety, and there are ways to help ease this discomfort. One effective method is to bring a loved one with you to the appointment. Having someone you trust by your side can provide emotional support and reassurance, making the process feel less daunting. Your companion can also assist in understanding the dentist's post-extraction care instructions, ensuring that the recovery process is clear and manageable. Dentists understand these concerns and are usually very accommodating, so don't hesitate to ask if you can have someone accompany you during your visit.

Should I not eat on the day of my appointment?

On the day of your dental extraction appointment, it's generally advised to eat your normal meals prior to the scheduled time. Consuming a balanced meal can help maintain your blood sugar levels, which is important for feeling comfortable and minimizing any dizziness during the procedure. However, it's crucial to follow any specific pre-surgery instructions provided by your dentist or oral surgeon, as individual needs can vary. Some procedures may require fasting or avoiding certain types of food and drink beforehand. Always check with your dental care provider to ensure you're following the recommended guidelines for a safe and effective treatment experience.

Should I take my normal medications on the day of the appointment?

Dr. Rahimi advises that you take all of your normal medications on the day of your dental extractions. It's vital to continue with your prescribed medications to maintain your overall health and ensure that any chronic conditions remain controlled. This includes medications for blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, and any other prescribed treatments. However, it’s important to inform Dr. Rahimi or the dental team about all the medications you're currently taking, including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements. This information will help prevent potential interactions and complications during the dental procedure. If there are any concerns or specific instructions about your medications related to the extraction, he will provide you with detailed guidance well in advance of your appointment.

What do I need to do after the extraction appointment?

Following your dental extraction, it's essential to prioritize a proper aftercare routine to foster healing and prevent complications. Dr. Rahimi recommends a series of steps to ensure a smooth recovery. Initially, you should rest and avoid any strenuous activities for at least 24 hours to reduce the risk of bleeding and swelling. Apply an ice pack to the outside of your cheek in intervals of 10 minutes on and 20 minutes off to minimize swelling. It’s crucial to adhere to a soft food diet for the first few days post-extraction, gradually reintroducing solid foods as the extraction site heals. Ensure you’re drinking plenty of fluids, but avoid using a straw as the suction can disrupt the blood clot forming in the extraction site, a process vital for healing. Maintaining oral hygiene is also key; however, be gentle around the extraction site. We will provide specific instructions regarding brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash during the healing period. Should you experience severe pain, continuous bleeding, or swelling that worsens over time, contact our immediately for further evaluation and management.

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